Dear NPE Families,
The entire learning community is growing each day with excitement for the return of our kids. We have planned many wonderful events, set up activities to build classroom communities and collaborated on ways to connect families to NPE and learning throughout the school year.
You will receive an email requesting your input for Curriculum Night. Please take a moment to click the link and provide us with your opinions.
Our website has a new look, which will allow you to have up-to-date information via the Twitter Feed, Nate Perry News(blog), the news alerts and more. We continue to grow in ways to utilize this tool, but I look forward to providing our families more up-to-date information via this resource rather than utilizing a newsletter.
With the increasing demands of the Food Regulations, as well as allergies, birthday celebration at NPE will continue to take place, but will utilize non food methods for celebration. Your child's classroom teacher will explain the classroom procedures for birthdays in more detail in the weeks to come.
Our building will be studying the most current research on homework practices throughout this school year. With the current research we will only be providing students with homework in reading or writing and math with developmentally appropriate expectations at each grade level. Homework is to serve as routine and practice not a frustration for a child or parent. We are all committed to working together and assuring our homework practices are in line with our vision and hopes for what is best for the whole child. We will include you in these discussions and our research through the year.
Important Events
Sept 3rd- K-Orientation 11am
Find Your Classroom- 2-3pm
Sept 4th- First Day of School
Sept 9th- Picture Day
Sept 11th- Back to School Picnic 5-7
Sept 23rd- Curriculum Night 6-7
Sept 29th- 1/2 day Professional Development Day 11:20 dismissal
Warm regards,
Mrs. Dana Ziegler
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